What's the challenge?
To not plan a special occasion, in this case, my birthday.
What are you afraid of?
Not being in control of what happens that day / disappointment.
How was the experience?
I'm such a big planner as you may already know by now, and when I don't plan I make sure someone else is taking care of that responsibility (my husband most of the times). This birthday, I decided to leave my day up to G-d and not plan a thing to see how that felt. When I plan something, I get very anxious because I have to make sure things go according to plan. But, by not planning anything at all, my goal was to finally be able to relax and let go control. I had a pretty good day overall, except for the weather that was not on my side, and I did all the things I enjoy (eating arepas, shopping, going to Central Park, sharing a Nutella waffle, eating at Santina and spending quality time with real friends). I learned that planning is not necessary unless you want to gather a big group of people by the end of the day, but who needs a big group of people? Who needs a proper cake? Who needs a perfect plan? Well, me, but not every year, and that's perfectly fine.