On April 6th of 2015 I started my project 100 Days Without Fear. At around day 40 it was discovered by the media, giving me the chance to appear on CBS, CNN, HuffPost LIVE, Buzzfeed, Forbes and many others in the US and abroad. It also led me to speak at TEDx as my 100th fear, which marked the beginning of my speaking career.
Be part of the Hello Fears movement.
Some of my favorite articles :)
Today Show With Megyn Kelly "This woman challenged herself to spend 100 days facing her fears"
Forbes "How This Latina Turned 100 Days Of Facing Her Fears Into A New Career
Brit+Co "This Woman Lived 100 Days Without Fear and Is Inspiring Us to Do the Same"
CBS "Conquering 100 fears, one at a time"
Vice "Artist Stripped Nude for '100 Days Without Fear' Project"
CNN "One Woman's Struggle With Fear Sets Her Free"
PSFK "A Platform Designed to Help You Face Your Fears"
FOX News "Woman sets out to live 100 days without fear, inspires people along the way"
Glamour "One Woman Faces Her Fear of Aging Head-On | 100 Days Without Fear"
Refinery29 "13 Fears New Yorkers Deal With — & How To Beat Them"
BUZZFEED "This Brave Student Is Doing 100 Things That Scare Her For A Class Project"
The Rachael Ray Show "Facing Fears for 100 Days in a Row -- This Brave Woman Did It!"
COSMOPOLITAN "Watch as This Inspiring Woman Confronts 100 of Her Biggest Fears"
BUSTLE 1 "100 Days Without Fear Challenge From Michelle Poler Is Awesome and Inspiring"
BUSTLE 2 "5 Lessons We Can Learn From Michelle Poler's Completed "100 Days Without Fear" Challenge"
DAILYMAIL "Woman afraid of bikini waxes, oysters and piercings sets out to conquer all of her fears"
Telemundo "Michelle Poler y sus “100 días sin miedo” en “¡Qué Noche! Con Angélica y Raúl”
DESIGNTAXI "Student Embarks On Personal Project To Face 100 Personal Fears In 100 Days"
HELLO GIGGLES "One woman is getting her perfect life by living 100 days without fear"
A PLUS "This Woman Started 100 Days W/O Fear Challenge To Make Sure She Was Not Missing Out On Life"
BOREDPANDA "Women started 100 Days Without Fear challenge to live life to the fullest"
Univisión "Michelle Poler enfrenta sus miedos en 100 dias"
ELLE SPAIN "100 Dias Sin Miedo"
Channel 1 Russia "How to get rid of phobias"
Short video CNN did to cover my story :)
Interview with CBS Sunday Morning!
FOX411 interview
Interview with Univision // Despierta América
Interview with IntoConnection
"This describes (I think) all people under 26-27 years old, and you materialized it in the best way. I feel very identified like a lot of girls. Thank you again. This project is like 40 days of dating but you put your sign here, you grabbed it and gave form." –Ale, Argentina
"I think you hear this a lot of how great your project 100dayswithouthfear really is. So, I just want to tell you, keep doing what you are doing, it is amazing. You are an inspiration." –Alexander, Germany
"I really like your project: things that for some are the most natural in the world, or no big deal, can be terrifying for others. it is inspiring to see you attacking those fears." –Eline
"I red an article in the local newspaper about your "100 Days without Fear" and I immediately loved the idea! I'm making my own list now with fears I want to overcome by my 30th birthday (I can cross "writing a letter in a foreign language to an unknown person" off my list!)." –Marjolijn, Belgium
"I just wanted to thank you in person. I recognize a bit of myself in you, and you have inspired me to face my fears as well." –Dominique, Belgium
"i find interesting what you are doing and i think ill make my challenge as well :) " –Regina, Mexico
"I have to say that I just fell in love with your project, I can't stop watching the videos! As of today you're my inspiration, you really are!!" –Marcela
"What a great initiative! There must be so many people out there who face the same fears and challenges as you do, and I am definitely one of them. Fears have kept me from living life to the fullest, so instead of feeling sorry for the things I missed out, I decided to take things into my own hands and make some changes. Sending an email to a complete stranger is definitely one of the things I would never have done." –Evy, Belgium
“Congratulations and thank you for inspiring people like me..I see myself in you. Read the article in Bustle today with the cover photo which says fearless..I like to call you a true winner.” –Shreya, India
"I read an article about 100 Days Without Fear on Cosmopolitan.com, and I was immediately inspired. I began writing my own list of fears. I have 55 written down so far but I keep thinking of more. It is empowering. These are fears that hold me back from experiencing life to the fullest- which I think is basically the point of life. I am in love with life, but my anxiety and fear of everything often hold me back." –Talia
"Oh my goodness, I just had to email and tell you how adorable you are! I just came across your site and project today and got hooked immediately from the first video! Next thing I know it's 2 am and I'm still watching your videos, haha. But seriously, what you're doing is so awesome and much kudos to you; you are brave!" –Anokina