What are you afraid of?
Growing up.
How is the experience?
Since I was very little, I always wanted to be older than what I was. Growing up meant more independence, more rights and more status. Even though it still means that, plus so many other wonderful things like career advancement, deeper and better understanding of life itself and family growth, every year I get less and less excited around my birth date. Even though that part of growing up sounds nice, I'm terrified of the not-so-nice part of it, seems like the older you get the more complicated life gets. As I grow old the more responsibilities I have to assume. As I grow old the more people I will have to take care of. As I grow old, my parents grow old. This is how life is, and even though that is normal, I'm still very afraid of it. I have a hard time overcoming stages because thankfully, I've enjoyed every stage of my life so much that it is hard to let go. In this case, my year #26 was beyond amazing; I moved to the city of my dreams, I started the master program I wanted more than anything and I got to inspire so many people through this wonderful project, I can't complain. So even though I know my year #27 will bring incredible things and may even be better than the previous one, I'm still sad to say goodbye to 26 because I know it's not coming back. The only thing that allows me to understand that growing up doesn't mean growing old is the fact that you're age is what's in your heart, and at heart I will try my best to always be the young-spirited person I love to be. So happy birthday to me, and cheers for what life may bring this next year that starts today.