What's the challenge?
To dive with sharks inside a cage.
How was the experience?
A couple weeks ago when I was at the YouTube Space NY, I met Stephanie Nadia, another youtuber that believes in living life to the fullest; she's starting a new channel called Live On Purpose besides her successful make-up channel. Stephanie reached out to ask me if I could face her biggest fear with her, sharks.
I was honestly not going to face this fear but I loved the idea of helping another person face her fears (not that I'm not afraid of sharks, I was not personally interested in being up close to them). So I said yes and on Wednesday we went together to the Long Island Aquarium! The place was really cool and we learned a lot about sharks before going into the cage. Then, we got wet suits and water shoes and we were ready to dive! For some reason I got extremely nervous and before going in we were both freaking out! The cage started to descend and the cold water kicked in. Once we were under water the sharks were swimming around us but it wasn't scary, it was fascinating. I'm so glad Stephanie made me do this and it felt really good to help someone else face her biggest fear, now she started her own #100dayswithoutfear project!